
We need you as a member! Please join our Sangha by becoming a member of the Appalachian Dharma & Meditation Center.

We are currently looking for supporters who can commit to monthly dues to help us pay the rent. Anyone can become a member, just by making a monthly payment of any amount.

We suggest $20 per month dues, but if this is too much for you, that’s okay. We will graciously accept whatever you can commit to. You can make your payments monthly, semi-annually, or annually.

To become a member, please print and mail this Membership Form or fill in the Online Membership Form.

If you cannot make the commitment to be a member at this time, we also accept one-time and semi-regular donations. Please click on the Donations link for more information on this option.

Your membership makes the Center possible!

May your support of ADMC make possible the enlightenment of many beings!